Sat, March 23
2016—Tay, a Microsoft™ AI chatbot, is released on Twitter. She’s pulled 16 hours later for being a Nazi. 2004—In a Senate office building, 19 Members of Congress watch a golden crown being placed on the head of convicted tax cheat and Washington Times owner Rev. Sun Myung Moon. 2003—A lost U.S. Army convoy is ambushed near Nasiriyah, Iraq: 11 KIAs, five WIAs, & six POWs, including Pvt. Jessica Ryan. An Air Force A-10 kills six to 10 U.S. Marines. A U.S. Patriot missile downs an RAF fighter jet over Iraq. 1983—Acting Pres. R. Reagan touts space-based anti-missile missiles, as seen in 1940’s Murder in the …