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Sat, Nov 4

2016—“Calm down,” reads the headline over a Washington Post column, “We’ll be fine no matter who wins.” 1979—Militant Shi’ite Muslims take 66 Americans hostage in Teheran, dooming the Carter administration. 1975—A neocon cabal reshuffles the Ford cabinet for him. Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush take over. 1964—Lenny Bruce is found guilty of obscenity in New York City. 1960—In Dallas, a vicious “Mink Coat Mob” angrily confronts Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson. Revulsion at its tactics cost Nixon Texas. 1958—A U.S. B-47 bomber carrying nukes crashes near Abilene, Texas. High explosives detonate. Nuclear materials are recovered later. 1955—CIA HQ responds to Caracas Station re: report that Adolf …

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Fri, Nov 3

1986—A Lebanese newspaper reveals that the U.S. has been selling arms to the Ayatollah’s regime in Iran. 1979—Communists are fired on by Klansmen and Nazis in Greensboro, N.C.. Five die and 11 are wounded, but three trials yield no convictions. 1973—A DC-10’s #3 engine explodes over New Mexico due to a flight crew’s unauthorized experiment. All aboard land safely except the guy in 17H, who is sucked out a window. His skeleton is found two years later. 1969—In a speech which proves to be fatally effective, Richard Nixon conjures up his “Silent Majority.” 1964—Lyndon Johnson—the peace candidate—is elected President. 1956—Israeli Defence Forces kill 275 Palestinians …

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Thurs, Nov 2

2005—The Washington Post reveals that the CIA is protecting democracy by running a secret gulag. 2004—Warren Co., Ohio officials say a “terrorist threat” is why they’re counting votes behind locked doors. 2002—“We know he [Saddam Hussein] has chemical weapons,” says George W.[MD] Bush. (He doesn’t.) 2001—“Give war a chance,” writes the N.Y. Times’s Thomas L. Friedman. 2000—TV in Maine reveals George W.[MD] Bush’s 1976 DUI bust. 1972—The Seafarers International Union [SIU] gives $100K to Nixon’s campaign. The Justice Dept. drops an indictment of the SIU for making illegal campaign contributions. 1967—Pres. Johnson and his “Wise Men” decide what the Vietnam War needs is more upbeat …

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Wed, Nov 1

2001—George W.[MD] Bush signs an Executive Order conveniently hiding his father’s misdeeds as Veep. 1981—“[T]elevision is just another appliance—it’s a toaster with pictures,” says FCC Chair Mark Fowler. 1972—The Piscataqua Bridge opens. 1968—At My Tho, two limpet mines kill 26 aboard the USS Westchester County—the deadliest single incident for the Navy during the Vietnam War. 1966—Lyndon Johnson tells U.S. troops in Korea that his great-great grandaddy died at the Alamo. He lies. 1963—Generals in Saigon lay seige to the Presidential Palace—with U.S. government approval, of course. 1955—Angry with his mother, who left him in an orphanage, Jack Graham kills her and 43 other people. He’s …

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Tues, Oct 31

2016—Chris Sununu claims Democrats bus voters in from Mass. He’s lying, but D. Trump adopts the line. 1977—New CIA boss Stansfield Turner fires 200 spooks, all of whom meekly accept their fate and refrain from covert retaliation against Dems. 1973—Ex-Veep Spiro Agnew pays a $10,000 fine for not paying taxes on the bribes he took in office. 1963—“I can safely say,” says Gen. Paul D. Harkin, U.S. commander in South Vietnam, “that the end of the war is in sight”…but he’s in Tokyo. 1939—FDR moves the date of Thanksgiving ahead by one week to boost Christmas retail sales. 1938—Convicted murderer John Deering’s heart rate is …

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Mon, Oct 30

2018—Murderer and FBI informant “Whitey” Bulger’s corpse is found in his cell, its tongue nearly severed. Prison officials profess surprise. 2017—President Trump’s ex-campaign manager Paul Manafort and his associate Rick Gates are arrested on a slew of charges by the FBI. 2016—Sen. Harry Reid [D-Nev.] accuses FBI Boss James Comey of sandbagging the Clinton campaign while covering up for the Trump campaign. 2012—For the first time since the Ice Age, public access to the sea at Sanders Poynt in Rye is cut off by would-be Senator Bill Binnie. 2005—Pastor Kyle Lake, 33, standing in water to perform a baptism before 800 people at a Waco, …

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