Sun, Dec 8

2006—Congress votes to destroy the U.S. Postal Service by making it pre-fund pensions for 50 years. 2004—Sec. of Defenselessness Donald Rumsfeld tells disgruntled soldiers to quit bitching and go to war with the unarmored vehicles he gave them. 1993—Bill Clinton signs NAFTA, shipping umpteen jobs elsewhere. 1982—An anti-nuclear weapon protestor, Norman D. Mayer threatens to blow up the Washington Monument with a dynamite-laden van. After ten hours, police shoot him dead. 1976—A prop on the set of “The Six Million Dollar Man” is found to be the mummified remains of Elmer McCurdy, born in Maine in 1880, hanged in Oklahoma in 1911. 1972—United Flight 553 …

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Sat, Dec 7

2006—The “Justice” Department fires eight prosecutors for failing to persecute enough Democrats. 1997—Six skydivers leap from a plane over the South Pole. Three of them die when their chutes fail to open. 1995—France is virtually paralyzed when 1.75 million workers protest global exploitation. 1993—The Department of Energy admits it conducted more than 200 secret weapons tests. 1987—A disgruntled ex-employee shoots a Southwest Airlines pilot and co-pilot. The plane breaks up while diving at Mach 1.2, killing all aboard. 1985—After R. Reagan overrules their warnings—it’s illegal to sell arms to Iran and give the profits to assassins—Cap Weinberger and George Schultz joke about jail visiting hours. …

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Fri, Dec 6

1967—Chaplain Angelo “Charlie” Liteky carries 23 wounded men to safety in Vietnam despite intense hostile fire. For his bravery he is given the Medal of Honor, which he returns in 1986 to protest U.S. foreign policy. 1962—Speaking to journalists at the Deadline Club in New York City, Pentagon spokesman Arthur Sylvester says “It’s [the] government’s right, if necessary, to lie to save itself when it’s going up into a nuclear war.” 1951—The National Association of Broadcasters adopts a Code of [Cowardly and Obsequious] Conduct. 1937—The Supreme Court rules poll taxes are Constitutional—why should Blacks and poor whites get to vote? 1933—Federal judge John M. Woolsey …

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Thurs, Dec 5

2013—Ex-Senator Scott Brown says, in N.H., he’s been helping Republicans “raise awareness as to the issues… here in Massachusetts.” 2002—At a party on Strom Thurmond’s 100th birthday, GOP Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott expresses regret over desegregation. 2001—A B-52, sent the wrong co-ordinates, bombs U.S. Special Forces in Afghanistan, killing three. 1996—Federal Reserve Chair Greenspan warns: “irrational exuberance” may have inflated stock prices. 1994—The GOP rams Speaker Gingrich down the House’s throat. 1988—A Grand Jury in N.C. indicts “holy” man Jim Bakker on charges of fraud and conspiracy. 1965—An A-4 Skyhawk accidentally rolls off the USS Ticonderoga near Japan. Plane, pilot, and one-megaton B43 H-Bomb …

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Wed, Dec 4

2016—To free the fictitious child sex slaves of the Democrat Party, Edgar Welch shoots up Comet Ping Pong in Washington D.C. with a real gun. 1993—R.I.P. Frank Zappa. 1982—Returning from a trip to Latin America, President Reagan says, “I learned a lot. You’d be surprised. They’re all individual countries.” 1981—President Reagan OK’s CIA spying on U.S. citizens. 1979—French commandos “convert to Islam,” then help the Saudi military drive rebels from Grand Mosque. The indiscriminate killing by these infidels enrages Osama bin Laden; the CIA concludes the episode is not a sign of widespread Islamic radicalism. 1969—Chicago cops, aided by the CIA, murder Black Panther security …

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Tues, Dec 3

2013—In Londonderry, N.H., failed Senate nominee Scott Brown says “I don’t think I ever said I was thinking about running for president,” 16 weeks after telling the Boston Herald he was thinking about running for president. 2004—George W.[MD] Bush nominates Bernard Kerik [later to be known as Federal Inmate 84888-054] to be Secretary of Homeland Security. 1996—A New York company making Medals of Honor is fined $80,000 for selling 300 bootleg copies. 1983—U.S. Information Agency head Charles Z. Wick says Margaret Thatcher opposed the invasion of Grenada because she’s a woman. 1980—Secretary of State Al Haig says four Maryknoll nuns recently murdered by Salvadoran death …

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