Mon, Dec 2
2020—Roger Stone says that to help steal the election, North Korean boats brought bogus ballots into the U.S. through harbors in Maine. 1986—Pres. Ronald Reagan says he can’t remember what he knew about Iran-Contra, or when he knew it. 1984—Union Carbide’s Bhopal, India plant kills 16,000. Union Carbide is forced to pay $14,000 in fines. 1980—Lyndon LaRouche’s Executive Intelligence Review breaks the story of the “October Surprise.” 1980—U.S.-backed death squads murder four nuns in El Salvador. 1956—Granma lands 82 rebels in Cuba. Only 12 make it to the Sierra Maestra, but that was enough. 1954—The Senate votes to “condemn” Joe McCarthy. N.H. Senator Styles Bridges …