Mon, Dec 2

2020—Roger Stone says that to help steal the election, North Korean boats brought bogus ballots into the U.S. through harbors in Maine. 1986—Pres. Ronald Reagan says he can’t remember what he knew about Iran-Contra, or when he knew it. 1984—Union Carbide’s Bhopal, India plant kills 16,000. Union Carbide is forced to pay $14,000 in fines. 1980—Lyndon LaRouche’s Executive Intelligence Review breaks the story of the “October Surprise.” 1980—U.S.-backed death squads murder four nuns in El Salvador. 1956—Granma lands 82 rebels in Cuba. Only 12 make it to the Sierra Maestra, but that was enough. 1954—The Senate votes to “condemn” Joe McCarthy. N.H. Senator Styles Bridges …

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Sun, Dec 1

2017—Ex-Lieut. General and former Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn does the perp walk. 2007—Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, at Federal Cigar in Portsmouth, refuses to autograph a New Hampshire Gazette for counterman Dave McNicholas, but agrees to sign a photo of himself—which he takes with him when he leaves. 2003—Howard Dean, leading the pack in polling, tells Chris Matthews he’ll “break up the giant media enterprises;” giant media enterprises soon label Dean “unelectable.” 1969—The U.S. Selective Service effectively guts the anti-war movement by instituting a draft lottery. 1968—The Walker Commission reports that the Chicago PD rioted during the Democratic Convention. 1964—In J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI …

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Better Old News Than New Lies

The City Loses Another Suit Judge Chase handed down his decision in the suit of John E. Rider vs. the city on Tuesday and ordered that the claim of the ex-alderman be paid. Emery and Hatch for Rider, Page for the city. There still remains one suit for the city to lose, that for the payment of the south-end fountain and we should advise the city to settle that at once. Every law suit into which the city has been drawn during the past two yearts has been lost and it seems as if our legal advice was proving rather costly for our tax-payers. Police …

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This is Shameful, He’s Unfit

To the New Hampshire Gazette, Shame. Shame. Our country just elected a racist, a sexual assaulter, a compulsive liar, a traitor, a convicted felon, a business fraud, a twice-impeached, disgraced ex-president with severely diminished mental abilities and judgment to the highest office in the nation. Donald Trump is all of that and worse. He is the most vile person that one can imagine. What parent would choose him as a role model for their child? Yet we knew this, having suffered through four years of his maladministration. Some say, “I don’t like what he says but I like his policies.” And just what are those …

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After the Sixties, Came the Counter-Revolution

by Jean Stimmell I was born in the 1940s and grew up in the 1950s. The ’50s was a strange chapter in American life: banal, antiseptic, and claustrophobically conformist: swearing or even mentioning sex was forbidden. If you questioned anything about America, you risked being called a Communist. That’s not just my opinion. Andrew Hartman writes that the 1950s were more coercive than before or after, exhibiting “an extraordinary degree of conformity.” “An unprecedented number of Americans got in line—or aspired to get in line—particularly white, heterosexual, Christian Americans.”⁠ 1 I rebelled: I wanted freedom! I found it as a teenager through Sigmund Freud. Through …

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Grant Me the Serenity —

by W.D. Ehrhart I had an unusual experience this week. Very rarely does our Alleged Editor decline to publish something I’ve submitted to him. But a few days ago, he passed on not one, but two essays I sent. One about Trumpasaurus’s various cabinet choices because he has elected to write on that topic himself in his Fortnightly Rant. The other because it was too long. He suggested editing the long one, which dealt with how, though the elevation of Dolt .45 to Dolt .47 is perceived by many people as the end of democracy in the United States, in fact our country has never …

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