2013—In Londonderry, N.H., failed Senate nominee Scott Brown says “I don’t think I ever said I was thinking about running for president,” 16 weeks after telling the Boston Herald he was thinking about running for president.
2004—George W.[MD] Bush nominates Bernard Kerik [later to be known as Federal Inmate 84888-054] to be Secretary of Homeland Security.
1996—A New York company making Medals of Honor is fined $80,000 for selling 300 bootleg copies.
1983—U.S. Information Agency head Charles Z. Wick says Margaret Thatcher opposed the invasion of Grenada because she’s a woman.
1980—Secretary of State Al Haig says four Maryknoll nuns recently murdered by Salvadoran death squads may have been gun-runners.
1979—Fans stampede at a Who concert in Cincinnati, 11 die.
1969—Protesters destroy files at eight N.Y. draft boards.
1966—The AEC explodes a .38 kiloton A-bomb 10 miles west of Purvis, Miss., inside an underground cavity created by a 5 kiloton A-bomb blast conducted two years earlier.
1964—In Berkeley, 600 police arrest 800 protesters; 900 faculty members call for amnesty.
1888—“The citizen … is trampled … beneath an iron heel. Corporations…are fast becoming the people’s masters,” noted Commie Grover Cleveland warns in his State of the Union.