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A Thin-Skinned Would-Be Tyrant

To the Editor: Naturally, Democrats want to defeat the President Trump in the next election. Trump takes that personally and melts down. When then-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, speaking for Republicans, said, “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term President,” Obama didn’t whine about how badly he was treated, or insult McConnell with nasty names on Twitter, or blame the media. He got busy. With the help of Joe Biden and Congress he rescued the country from the Great Recession with the $787 billion America Recovery and Reinvestment Act, spurring economic growth, turning around the …

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When Trump May Need the U.S.P.S.

To the Editor: The Post Office represents the hope for the future of a functional republic. It has endured thousands of cuts from so-called “conservatives” in Congress who seek to break the postal union and impose pension requirements that no for-profit business not awash in billions could survive. Withal, the U.S.P.S. continues to link all in our country with excellent service and the best package shipping rates for working schmucks like you and me who don’t have the bucks or volume to wangle sweetheart deals with UPS or FedEx, who are licking their chops at the prospect of devouring the spoils of a broken-up U.S. …

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No More Room on the Vietnam Memorial? Add a New Wall!

To the Editor: How would you feel if your son, brother or father had been deployed to the Vietnam War and then tragically died, but his name is not honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (The Wall) in Washington, D.C.? The Pentagon says your loved one’s name is left off of The Wall because he had died outside of an arbitrarily designated “combat zone.’’ And how would you feel learning there are many men who also had died outside of this combat zone, but their names are honored on The Wall? There is a growing movement of veterans who lost a military brother, and families …

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Sadists and Masochists

To the Editor: I got a good laugh today. A guy told me “The far right Republicans are evil and the lefty Democrats stink; we need politicians that are in between.” Well I see the Republicans as a form of sadists and yes, that makes the Democrats masochists. This might seem a strange view at first but don’t the Democrats lose so often and so painfully that by now its obvious they secretly want it. Before every kick in the teeth they get down on all fours and wail about the injustice the Republicans are going to commit, and then, like clockwork, another kick in …

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A Somewhat Ambiguous…Mash Note?

“While we no longer want to receive the paper version, we believe it is still worthwhile to keep reading the digital version no matter how distasteful it is.” – E.F.R., Beaverton, Ore. –=≈=– “If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there’s no progress. If you pull it all the way out that’s not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. And they haven’t even pulled the knife out much less heal the wound. They won’t even admit the knife is there.” – Malcolm X; b. May 19, 1925 “Healthy does not mean ‘healthful.’ …

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Trump Botched All This

by Tom H. Hastings OK, I have seen, in my life, Eisenhower and Kennedy and Johnson and Nixon botch Vietnam. I have seen Reagan botch the Euromissile crisis alongside the AIDS outbreak. I watched George Bush the Younger and Dick Cheney utterly botch Iraq. But in my lifetime I have never witnessed any U.S. president botch anything so disastrous as Trump has botched the response to Covid-19. I didn’t know so many mistakes were even possible and he just won’t stop. His coronavirus denial was lethal and health care experts knew that, and were trying to advise him, but Trump takes no advice. That, he …

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