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Volinsky—A Great Democratic Governor

[Note: This fortnight we received several letters which shared two characteristics: they were written in support of the same candidate, but arrived too late to be published in advance of the election. We’re going to publish two of them anyway. They won’t be able to influence primary election voters, but they illuminate structural problems in the governance of this state—problems that are unlikely to be solved by Hereditary Governor Sununu Two, or any other members of his party. – The Ed.] –=≈=– To the Editor: The Democratic primary for Governor has two outstanding candidates with very different talents. While it will not be easy to …

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Trump Shows His True Self

Dear Editor: Really, Trump shows his true self often. It is not the rosied-up self from Republican Convention time, with its hype, through to November 3rd voting. I just came across Trump’s true self in an Oct. 19, 2017, news article, found while cleaning around my computer. True Trump shows in gone-public interaction with the widow of Sgt. La David T. Johnson, killed in an ambush in Nigeria. Trump called and told Myeshia Johnson, “He knew what he signed up for,” and called her husband, “your guy.” Sgt. Johnson’s mother called the President “disrespectful.” Trump characterized the exchange as “a very nice conversation.” He does …

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Vandalizing the U.S.P.S.

To the Editor: In 2006, in an attempt to strangle the Postal Service financially, Congress mandated the Service to prefund each employee’s health and retirement benefits, not only through their career, but through retirement. This is costing the Service an extra $5 billion a year. If you owned a business and had to prepay 40-plus years of health insurance premiums, plus their pension, as soon as you hired someone, would you add an employee or ask your current employees to work some overtime? For the most part the Postal Service has found it less expensive to pay overtime. Now we come to the current situation. …

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Volinsky vs. The N.H. Disadvantage

[Note: This fortnight we received several letters which shared two characteristics: they were written in support of the same candidate, but arrived too late to be published in advance of the election. We’re going to publish two of them anyway. They won’t be able to influence primary election voters, but they illuminate structural problems in the governance of this state—problems that are unlikely to be solved by Hereditary Governor Sununu Two, or any other members of his party. – The Ed.] –=≈=– To the Editor: Recently, a high-school classmate was telling some friends that her daughter was upset that their soccer coach quit; they were …

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Flotsam & Jetsam

“And here were these freemen assembled in the early morning to work on their lord the bishop’s road three days each—gratis…. Why, it was like reading about France and the French, before the ever memorable and blessed Revolution, which swept a thousand years of such villany away in one swift tidal-wave of blood—one: a settlement of that hoary debt in the proportion of half a drop of blood for each hogshead of it that had been pressed by slow tortures out of that people in the weary stretch of ten centuries of wrong and shame and misery the like of which was not to be …

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Lab Meat—Taste of the Future!

To the Editor: Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden released a $2 trillion climate plan that won praise from the previously-critical Sunrise Movement. Unfortunately, so far as I’m aware, the plan does not include funding for cultured-meat research. For those who don’t know, cultured meat is grown from cells, without slaughtering animals. It requires a fraction of the greenhouse-gas emissions that raising livestock does. Dr. Mark Post created the first cultured-beef hamburger in 2013. It cost a whopping $280,000. Soon, he thinks, that price could be reduced to $10. Still, more research is required to make cultured meat economically viable. Politicians who hope to prevent climate …

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