Volinsky vs. The N.H. Disadvantage

[Note: This fortnight we received several letters which shared two characteristics: they were written in support of the same candidate, but arrived too late to be published in advance of the election. We’re going to publish two of them anyway. They won’t be able to influence primary election voters, but they illuminate structural problems in the governance of this state—problems that are unlikely to be solved by Hereditary Governor Sununu Two, or any other members of his party. – The Ed.]


To the Editor:

Recently, a high-school classmate was telling some friends that her daughter was upset that their soccer coach quit; they were offered more money by a wealthier town. We come from a small town with relatively lower incomes and home values, thus—limited resources for our school. Though we are far from the worst affected, we are affected. Andru Volinsky’s been talking about this problem for decades. It’s unfair that the quality of education varies depending on zip code.

Another friend pointed out that this was only one of many issues due to limited resources. Wealthier towns have an abundance of academic options, extracurriculars, and sports that poorer towns can’t afford for their students. Poorer towns can’t fund the salaries or number of teachers needed to offer choices beyond core instruction, nor provide more than a few extracurriculars. Meanwhile, wealthier towns offer dozens. For example, wealthier towns offer multiple languages. Our town only offers one.

Poorer towns’ athletic programs are smaller, and have fewer choices and coaches. Last year our school wasn’t able to offer basketball or tennis, as they have before. Meanwhile, wealthier towns offer wrestling, lacrosse, football, and more, that we never have.

The offerings and resources available to students in wealthier towns enrich their lives today. Less recognized is that they increase opportunities for scholarships and college acceptance for wealthier kids, leaving poorer ones further disadvantaged. Equitable education shouldn’t depend on zipcode.

Every kid deserves a good, fairly funded education

Please, vote for Andru Volinsky on September 8th.

David Holt

Somersworth, N.H.

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