Sun, March 3

2016—Dolt #45 asserts on live TV that his genitalia are adequate. 1991—LAPD cops savagely beat Rodney King—on tape, it turns out. 1981—Burlington, Vt. elects a new mayor: Socialist Bernie Sanders. 1969—An under-manned company of the 4th Division is sent after a crack NVA battalion west of Kontum; result: 47 percent end up KIA or MIA. 1934—John Dillinger busts out of the Crown Point, Ind. jail with a hand-carved wooden pistol and drives off in the sheriff’s new V-8 Ford. 1931—In Laredo, Texas, 17-year old Harlon Carter murders Ramón Casiano, 15, with a shotgun. Sentenced to three years, Carter does two; 46 years later he takes …

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Sat, March 2

2004—UN weapons inspectors report that Saddam Hussein didn’t have any WMD after all. Oops. 1991—At Ramaila, Iraq, under future-MSNBC military analyst Barry McCaffrey, the U.S. 24th Infantry Division kills about ten percent of the 7,000-man 1st Hammurabi Armored Division, two days after the Gulf War cease-fire. 1965—The U.S. begins a bombing campaign over North Vietnam, under the brand name Rolling Thunder.™ 1955—The Screen Actors Guild votes to expel any member who takes the Fifth to avoid self-incrimination. 1942—U.S. Army Lieut. Gen. John DeWitt tells all Japanese-Americans to move away from the West Coast, voluntarily, for their own good. 1877—The Electoral Commission, to which Congress had …

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Fri, March 1

1991—“By God,” President George Herbert [Hoover] Walker Bush tells Koch-heads, “we’ve kicked the Vietnam Syndrome once and for all.” 1985—President Reagan insults the Founding Fathers, saying the Contras are their “moral  equivalent.” 1978—The late Charlie Chaplin’s tomb is raided by corpse-nappers. 1973—Kissinger tells Nixon, “…if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern.” Nixon replies, “I know.” 1971—The Weather Underground bombs the U.S. Capitol. 1954—The “Justice” Department agrees to let the CIA decide which of its crimes should be prosecuted. 1954—H-bomb test Castle Bravo delivers thrice its expected yield at Bikini Atoll. Unanticipated winds spread millions of …

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Thurs, Feb 29

2016—Trump’s candidacy “may not be good for America,” admits CBS boss Les Moonves, and the race is a “circus;” but, “it’s damn good for CBS…money’s rolling in, this is fun.” 2000—New Hampshire’s own Doris “Granny D” Haddock ends a 14-month, 3,200 mile walk across America at the U.S. Capitol, where she denounces money in politics. 1972—Columnist Jack Anderson reports that ITT “donated” $400,000 to the Republican Party in exchange for a favorable Justice Department ruling. 1968—The National Advisory [Kerner] Commission on Civil Disorders says the U.S. is “moving toward two societies, one black, one white—separate and unequal.” 1960—JFK proclaims a fake “missile gap” during his …

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Wed, Feb 28

2003—A former gay male escort begins attending White House press briefings with his official pass issued under the pseudonym “Jeff Gannon.” 1997—That blue dress gets soiled. 1993—The ATF tries to serve a warrant on a religious community in Waco. It does not go well. 1947—Hooligans in Taiwan riot over routine government corruption. Koumintang troops—brave anti-Communists—justly massacre thousands. 1921—The Kronstadt Rebellion against bolshevism begins in Russia. “Shoot them down like partridges,” orders Leon Trotsky. 1913—Denied information and cooperation, Congress’ Pujo Commission nevertheless finds that a Money Trust runs Wall Street. N.Y. Times: “Move along, nothing to see here.” 1893—Birth of Ben Hecht, newspaperman and author of …

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Tues, Feb 27

2019—“I fear that if [Trump] loses the election in 2020,” says his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen, “there will never be a peaceful transition of power.” 2014—Senate Republicans block a bill to fund veterans health care because it would cost too much. 2001—Rep. David B. Vitter [R-La.] skips a House vote honoring 28 Desert Storm KIAs to take a call from Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the D.C. Madam. 1975—The FDA recalls a batch of 1,241 GE pacemakers—after they’ve all been implanted. 1973—The American Indian Movement occupies Wounded Knee. 1970—The New York Times reports that the U.S. Army no longer conducts illegal domestic surveillance; untrue then, and now. 1968—Walter …

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