Sat, Jan 27

2015—It snows so hard in Portsmouth that mail carriers fail to make their appointed rounds. 2008—The NSA warns that a malfunctioning satellite as big as a bus is about to fall out of orbit. 2005—Veep Dick “Dick” Cheney wears a down parka and ski cap to a memorial ceremony at Auschwitz. 2005—Salon reveals thathack writer Michael McManus has been paid $10,000 to promote Bush programs. 1973—Eleven hours before a cease fire takes effect, an artillery shell makes U.S. Army Col. William B. Nolde the last official American combat casualty of the Vietnam War. 1972—White house “plumber” G. Gordon Liddy presents Attorney General John Mitchell with …

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Fri, Jan 26

2015—Another two feet of snow fall on Portsmouth, New Hampshire. 2006—On Sunset Blvd., Joaquin Phoenix is rescued from his rolled, gas-reeking car by Werner Herzog. 2005—Gay hustler and accredited White House correspondent Jeff Gannon asks Pres. G.W.[MD] Bush how he can work with insane people like Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton. 2001—Britain’s Guardian reports [falsely] that Air Force One was “stripped bare” in “an orgy of pilfering” by outgoing Clinton staffers. 1998—The Project for a New American Century sends a letter, signed by E. Abrams, J. Bolton, W. Kristol, R. Perle, D. Rumsfeld, & P. Wolfowitz, to Bill Clinton, urging him to overthrow Saddam Hussein. …

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Thurs, Jan 25

2005—Conservative columnist Maggie Gallagher admits she got $21,500 from the government for plugging Bush Administration proposals. 2004—Senator John McCain confirms to Vermin Supreme that Karl Rove dynamited the Old Man of the Mountain “in a fit of anger” over McCain’s defeat of George W.[MD] Bush in the 2000 N.H. Primary. 2002—White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales advises the Bush Administration that it’s legal to ignore the Geneva Conventions. 2002—Veep Dick “Dick” Cheney asks Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle to limit investigations into the events of 9/11. 1996—Billy Bailey, the 19th of 23 children raised in a two-room shack, is hanged by the State of Delaware, the …

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Wed, Jan 24

2015—The winter’s first snow falls in Portsmouth. It will not be the last. 2001—GOP hack Rich Galen reports (falsely) that outgoing Gore staffers slashed all the power cords in the Office of the Vice President. 1999—Reading the crawl on “Dateline NBC,” Joe DiMaggio is disturbed to learn that he has died. 1992—Gov. Bill Clinton flies to Arkansas so the execution of self-lobotomized cop-killer Ricky Ray Rector—who asks jailers to save the dessert from his last meal “for later”—will enhance his campaign for President. 1963—The tail falls off a B-52 flying over Maine at 500 feet—one-seventieth of its design altitude—and it crashes into Elephant Mountain. Two …

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Tues, Jan 23

2016—The Republican nominee, in Sioux City, Iowa, says “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.” 1986—After getting a FOIA request from the son of the Agency’s former station chief in Mexico City, the CIA destroys audio tape of Lee Harvey Oswald talking on the phone to the Soviet Embassy there. 1973—President Nixon claims his “peace with honor” deal doesn’t betray allies, abandon prisoners, or let the war in Vietnam go on. It does all three. 1968—North Korea seizes the USS Pueblo for spying within its waters. 1957—Klan members in Montgomery, Ala. force Willie Edwards Jr. …

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Mon, Jan 22

2008—The Center for Public Integrity documents 935 instances of “orchestrated deception” by President George W.[MD] Bush and seven top officials leading up to the Iraq War. 1997—Walking in a Tulsa park, Lottie Williams is hit on the shoulder by a small falling chunk of a Delta rocket. 1987—Pennsylvania Treasurer Budd Dwyer, charged with fraud, blows his brains out on live TV. 1973—The Supreme Court issues its Roe v. Wade decision. 1959—Illegally ordered to dig coal from under the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania with nothing to gauge their clearance, twelve miners drown when the river breaks through. 1958—The FBI, developing a program to read Americans’ mail, …

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