Sun, Aug 30
2011—The Federal Election Commission awakens and OKs an investigation of Rep. Frank Guinta [R-N.H.]. 2007—Unbeknownst to the pilots, a B-52 takes off from N.D. with six live nukes onboard. In La., it sits unguarded from noon to 10:00 p.m. 2004—To milk 9/11 for all it’s worth, the RNC convenes in New York City. Attendees mock John Kerry and wounded vets in general by wearing “Purple Heart” band-aids. 1979—Thanks to a handy canoe paddle, President Carter survives an attack from a deranged rabbit. 1979—For the first time, astronomers observe a comet hitting the sun. 1967—Thurgood Marshall becomes the first Black Associate Justice. 1964—At the Democratic Convention, …