Ewing: The Insatiable Cruelty of Democrats

To the Editor:

Despite their promises, Democrats rarely improve life for most people; they excel at keeping poor people poor, keeping dangerous neighborhoods dangerous, and destroying things, like beautiful and formerly safe cities and our peaceful tolerant society.

Apparently expecting political benefit, Democrat [sic] politicians allow supposedly peaceful mobs of Democrat [sic] activists to cause hundreds of injuries, dozens of killings, and several $100,000,000 of property damage to their own law-abiding constituents, including many people of color whose lives apparently don’t matter to Democrats.

When violent protestors, actually criminals, are arrested, Democrat [sic] prosecutors often release them without charges or bail. When needed, bail is provided by Democrat [sic] donors, including VP Biden’s campaign staff.

The police could have prevented most injuries, killings and property destruction but Democrat [sic] Mayors wouldn’t let them respond when the peaceful protests turned violent. Now the mob has grown in size and violence, the police are swamped defending properties from more arson, looting, and destruction. And law-abiding people suffer, waiting in fear, because of long 911 call response times, up to 24 hours.

Surrendering to mob demands, Democrats are defunding the police. Naturally, the lives and properties of Democrat [sic] officials will be protected; policing cuts will be in the dangerous neighborhoods where most law-abiding residents want police presence to be maintained or increased.

Democrat [sic] gun laws make most law-abiding residents of dangerous neighborhoods defenseless. Sometimes, Democrat [sic] prosecutors prosecute armed law-abiding people whose lives have been threatened. An employee who defended his life from armed men that broke into his business is being prosecuted. After a large mob broke into their gated community, trespassed on their property, and threatened their lives, St. Louis home owners are being prosecuted for arming themselves to deter the attackers.

In Democrat [sic] controlled America, law-abiding people fearing for their lives are apparently just supposed to surrender to thieves, muggers, rapists, arsonists, and murderers.

The recent riots just highlight the results of Democrat [sic] control. Long before the current riots Democrats condemned poor people to dangerous neighborhoods, bad schools, and poor job opportunities. San Francisco had rampant homeless people publicly shooting-up, urinating and defecating. Chicago shooting deaths every week exceeds the American combat deaths in Afghanistan this year! Democrat [sic] mobs terrorize law-abiding citizens; a Seattle mob demanded that white families surrender their homes to blacks.

The violent mobs of Democrats that are harming so many Americans are neither condemned nor stopped by Democrat [sic] leadership who apparently bless their actions. If Joe Biden is elected President and Democrats expand control of our country, the attacks on people, property, and our peaceful society are likely to spread, perhaps to your or your family members’ neighborhoods.

Don Ewing

Meredith, N.H.


We are struck nearly dumb by your powers of perception and analysis. Presumably you are looking at the same world we see, and yet you come to these conclusions. It’s simply astonishing. Your courage is also awe-inspiring: criticizing Democrats so harshly and relentlessly, when they quite clearly—at least in your mind—wield such an unimaginable degree of power. As professionals, though—at least, according to Rebecca West’s definition of this racket, i.e., “Journalism: an ability to meet the challenge of filling the space”—we will attempt to respond to your most recent slab of words, spaces, and punctuation.

Undeterred by your chronic inability to correctly spell the adjectival form of their name, you assert that “supposedly peaceful mobs of Democrat [sic] activists [have caused]…dozens of killings….”

For the sake of brevity we’ll skip right over your use of the pejorative “mob,” and stipulate that in your eyes there’s no difference between polite, peaceful senior citizens, and black-clad tossers of Molotov cocktails.

You write as if these protestors are all Democrats. What evidence do you have of that—or is that merely an assumption? Such carelessness undermines your argument. Surely there are independents, progressives, socialists, anarchists, anarcho-syndicalists, Trotskyites, neo-bolsheviks, Maoists, &c. among the protestors, some of whom might be offended by the label “Democrat.”

Let us leave aside semantics, though. Let us also discard your familiar tropes, which echo the words and themes of the corrupt and self-serving party which has taken indisputable control of every branch of the federal government except the House of Representatives—itself reduced to the status of a vestigial organ.

Let us instead deal with an actual fact: when it comes to spilt blood, the spillers are most often members of right-wing militias—so-called “sovereign citizens,” and other people whose readings of obscure texts may have ranged beyond their comprehension. Those people actually do have a lot of blood on their hands.

We do not wish to be entirely critical of your latest bale of bile. We’re grateful to you for informing us that members of Biden’s staff donated to the Minnesota Freedom Fund back in May. We’d missed that story. This evidence of an understanding of our unjust justice “system” speaks well of Biden’s skill in hiring. That, in turn, bodes well for his upcoming Administration.

Apparently you’re frightened by the thought of “defunding the police”—which Biden, unfortunately, says he opposes. You paint a dire picture of the results, if such a worthwhile policy were to be carried out. As constituted, our law enforcement system shows more clearly every day its roots in the slave-catching racket.

One thing our present system of law enforcement has accomplished has been to create, in the minds of white Americans, a sense that armed authority is at their beck and call to protect them from all threats, real and imaginary. The sooner that fantasy vanishes, the better.

You cite the recent incident in St. Louis as if it bolsters your argument. It does the opposite. Even Americans of modest means want to believe that their home is their castle. The McCloskeys, on the other hand, believe that owning a castle—pardon us; a $1.1 million marble palazzo—gives them the right to point loaded weapons at their fellow citizens—with their their fingers on the triggers.

The McCloskeys might prove to be a good test case. After easily-frightened people have demonstrated an inability to handle weapons responsibly, should they retain their 2nd Amendment rights?

We have already gone on too long here, and yet we have left so many falsehoods, misperceptions, and ludicrous statements unchallenged. We’ll just leave it at this: we publish this letter as a reminder that America contains multitudes, some of which foster strange ideas indeed.

The Editor

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