To the Editor:
I sure wish Donald J. Trump would consider something other than getting himself re-elected as an important part of being President of the United States of America!
For instance, he could promote and support: the safety and security of all the American people; the economic security of America and its small businesses, the backbone of our nation’s employment; nurturing and supporting the sustainable environment of the earth, from which we derive our food and economic resources; the health and wellness of our people; the cooperative working relationship America has had with most of the rest of the world under virtually all past Presidents; the reputation for goodness and fairness America had pre-2017; the right of all people to cast votes that count; the importance of appointing judicially qualified, fair, and non-partisan judges in our legal system; the importance of appointing qualified and open-minded people to his cabinet and other important government posts instead of just Sycophants (“Yes-People”); scientific truth and common logic, by not mocking them or spreading dangerous unscientific ideas.
Herb Moyer
Exeter, N.H.