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Who Are You Calling “We”?

To the Editor:

As I watch TV and walk around the block, I see signs all over that say, “We’re all in this together.” Then, I read the story in the Portsmouth Herald (April 23rd) about a stand-off with a guy who had a loaded shotgun. The guy thought three construction workers “of Hispanic descent” were conducting drug deals according to the police affidavit. Evidently, the lawyer for the guy with the shotgun told the Herald (p. A5), “I am completely convinced this man is not dangerous.” On that same day, I scanned the police log. I see that someone called and hung up calling about some “black people causing trouble.”

Danger is in the eye of the beholder. We see danger where there may not be danger at all. A man with a loaded shotgun thinking Hispanic construction workers are doing a drug deal is definitely dangerous to the construction workers. Black people are in danger if someone calls to say that “some black people are causing trouble.” No doubt the callers to the Herald were scared as well.

If, in fact, “We’re all in this together,” then we’re going to have to deal with our prejudices. A black man in Georgia lost his life because a white father and his son mistook the black man for a robber. Our prejudices may lead us to wrong conclusions.

Judy Ullman

Portsmouth, N.H.


You make an excellent point—one that will only become more important as this thing drags on.

The Editor

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