2011—Wendi Murdoch deftly deflects a pie aimed at her husband Rupert, as he’s being grilled about phone-hacking by Parliament.
2010—Terrified by a malignly-edited YouTube clip, Sec. of Ag. Tom Vilsack has USDA employee Shirley Sherrod pulled over by the side of the road and summarily fired.
2001—Deputy Chairman of the British Conservative party Lord Jeffrey Archer is convicted of perjury and sentenced to 4 years.
1994—Dining with reporters in the Capitol, Sen. Howell Heflin (D-Ala.) pulls what he thinks is a hankie from his pocket, and wipes his nose with a pair of panties.
1991—South Africa’s government admits it paid Zulus to undermine the African National Congress.
1985—Concord, N.H. teacher Christa McAuliffe is chosen to be first “Teacher in Space.”
1979—Sandinistas march triumphantly into Managua.
1972—The AFL-CIO announces it won’t support George McGovern.
1966—In an internal memo, Bill Sullivan, Chief of Domestic Intel, admits the FBI’s “black bag” jobs are illegal.
1957—A two-kiloton nuclear warhead carried by an air-to-air missile explodes 18,000 feet above five Air Force “volunteers” at Yucca Flats.
1919—White Washingtonians enraged by racist headlines begin attacking Blacks in the nation’s capital.