2018—Attacked by a bobcat in her Georgia driveway, DeDe Phillips, 46, strangles the rabid animal.
1997—At the fed-funded Bradbury Science Museum in Los Alamos, New Mexico, activists are arrested for passing out copies of the Bill of Rights.
1971—An article in the Armed Forces Journal says “our army…in Vietnam is in a state approaching collapse.”
1971—Busted for “disturbing the peace” in a California courthouse [i.e., wearing a jacket with “Fuck The Draft” on the back], Paul Cohen is sprung by the U.S. Supreme Court.
1969—Marine PFC Dan Bullock is KIA in Vietnam. He is 15, and Black. His enlistment is deemed “fraudulent,” so he’s denied a grave marker.
1966—Walking for voting rights and freedom, James Meredith, 32, gets three blasts from a shotgun in Hernando, Miss. He’s now 89.
1960—A BOMARC missile at a site in N.J. catches fire, melting the 10-kiloton nuclear warhead on board; eleven ounces of plutonium go missing.
1943—In Los Angeles, 5,000 soldiers, sailors, and civilians strip and beat zoot-suited Hispanics.
1924—George Mallory goes missing near the summit of Mt. Everest.
1920—KKK Imperial Wizard William J. Simmons hires two PR experts: membership soon explodes.
1917—Brits blow mines under Messines. The town and 10,000 Germans vanish; Dubliners can hear the blast.