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Fri, Oct 2

2003—Survey chief David Kay reports that his three-month, $300 million search for Saddam Hussein’s WMD has turned up squat.

2002—George W.[MD] Bush calls Iraq “a threat of unique urgency,” because of its WMDs.

1990—Three Texans in a Cessna come within 30 feet of clearing Mt. Washington. Their bodies are brought down on the Cog Railway.

1980—Senior members of the Reagan campaign team meet in D.C. with a representative of the Ayatollah, who offers to release U.S. hostages.

1980—Michael Myers (D-Pa.) becomes the first Rep. expelled in 120 years, for bribe-taking and conspiracy. Why only him? Who knows.

1978—With the Yankees and Red Sox tied for the season, a playoff game is held; it’s decided by a three-run homer hit by New York’s Bucky F. Dent.

1967—Thurgood Marshall becomes the first black Supreme Court Justice.

1965—In Natchez, Miss., 500 people are sent without trial to the Parchman Penitentiary for protesting the denial of their right to register to vote.

1941—On Malta, Major-General Clifford Thomason Beckett of the Royal Artillery tells Major H.S. Fowle he is “not fit to command anything.”

1919—Woodrow Wilson has a stroke; the U.S. gets a woman president.

1918—In the Argonne, the Lost Battalion gets cut off behind German lines; in a week, ⅔ are KIA or WIA.

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