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Thurs, Oct 22

1987—At Yoken’s, noted buffoon Donald Trump speaks before a credulous Portsmouth Rotary Club.

1979—With an OK from Jimmy Carter, the Shah of Iran enters the U.S. for medical treatment, triggering chaos.

1968—To improve the odds of his re-election, Richard Nixon tells H.R. Haldeman to “monkey wrench” negotiations to end the Vietnam War.

1967—KGB agent Manfred Ramminger steals a Sidewinder missile from Neuburg AFB, takes it off-base in a wheelbarrow, drives away with it sticking out the back of his Mercedes, and mails it, dismantled, to Moscow.

1963—Fed up with accurate reporting, JFK asks “Punch” Sulzberger to assign Times’ David Halberstam anywhere but Vietnam. It doesn’t work.

1962—SAC goes to DEFCON 2 as JFK blockades Cuba.

1946—Despite a confession, a white jury in Mississippi finds five white men not guilty of beating Leon McAttee, who’s Black, to death.

1913—A dynamite blast, detonated in violation of safety rules, kills 265 at a Phelps Dodge mine in Dawson, N.M.

1909—A judge tells striking female garment workers in New York, “You are on strike against God.”

1868—James M. Hinds [R-Mo.] is shotgunned in the back, becoming the U.S.’s first assassinated Congressman. No charges are filed against the killer, George Clark, Secretary of the Monroe County Democratic Party.

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