2005—Conservative columnist Maggie Gallagher admits taking $21,500 from the government for plugging Bush Administration proposals.
2004—Senator John McCain confirms to Vermin Supreme that Karl Rove dynamited the Old Man of the Mountain “in a fit of anger” over McCain’s defeat of George W.[MD] Bush in the 2000 N.H. Primary.
2002—White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales advises the Bush Administration that it can ignore the Geneva Conventions.
2002—Veep Dick “Dick” Cheney asks Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle to limit investigations into the events of 9/11.
1996—Billy Bailey, the 19th of 23 children raised in a two-room shack, is hanged by the State of Delaware, the last American to go that way.
1995—Aides to notorious drunkard Boris Yeltsin, getting a message about a rocket test gone wrong, hand him Russia’s “nuclear suitcase.”
1979—At a Ford plant in Flat Rock, Mich., Robert Williams, 25, becomes the first human killed by a robot.
1966—An SR-71 Blackbird flying at Mach 3.2 disintegrates 78,000 feet above New Mexico, but test pilot Bill Weaver lives to fly again.
1927—J. Frank Norris of Fort Worth, a Baptist preacher who fatally shot an unarmed man, is acquitted of murder.
1926—In Passaic, N.J. 16,000 textile workers strike.