The Die is Cast

To the Editor:

The privileged class of Congress has spoken. What kind of America will we be?

Republican Senators voting to acquit ex-President Trump have steered our country toward rocky reefs of autocracy, where oaths of office mean nothing but the means to power. Their votes have proclaimed they no longer stand for values and principles encoded in the lives and writings of our Founding Fathers (and Mothers) in 1787, nor the brave women and men who have fought and died for America throughout our history.

To the Republican wing of the Senate, facts and truth continue to be irrelevant. Democratic House managers provided America with a master class in democracy, attended by 50 Democratic Senators and seven Republican Senators. The enduring shame of it is that those 43 Republican Senators who voted acquittal were truant and skipped class; they failed spectacularly!

Those who voted to acquit revealed their true cynicism and disdain for our constitution when they rose and applauded the Congressional Gold Medal given to true hero and Capitol Police Officer, Eugene Goodman. Goodman represented the bravery and honor shown by his “blue” brothers and sisters who risked, and in one case gave, their lives in service of protecting those same Republicans who have now stained themselves and our country. Stealing from President Lincoln: “The world…can never forget what they did here.”

How much more future hate, malevolence, and cowardice will America endure because the Senate and leader Mitch McConnell didn’t do their jobs ?

Herb Moyer

Exeter, N.H.

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