Kill the Filibuster

Dear Editor,

Can a minority party, intent on supporting partisan corruption by repeating the Big Lie as gospel, win future elections?

Yes, if they limit the Democratic Majority’s votes with 253 “election reform” laws, being proposed in 29 states. The proposals would limit voting by mail, reduce voting days, and enable legislatures to select Electoral College electors irrespective of the popular vote count.

To thwart this preparation to steal the next election, the For The People act protects our fair voting system. It will pass in the House, but to pass in the Senate, the Dems must end the filibuster to enable a simple majority vote to prevail.

Two Democratic Senators oppose ending the filibuster. Their opposition fritters away the limited, valuable time that Democrats have to control Congress and correct the evils that give the Trumpublican minority their power.

Please contact Senators Joe Manchin (W.V.) and Kristen Sinema (Ariz).

Bruce Joffe

Piedmont, Calif.

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