2007—The George W.[MD] Bush White House says official emails about the dubious firing of eight U.S. Attorneys—among five million sent via private RNC servers—are “lost.”
2001—Veep Dick “Dick” Cheney files his 2000 return; 14% of his adjusted gross came from Halliburton.
1937—Sixty thousand U.S. students demonstrate against war.
1933—In Oakland, brothers George and William Besler test fly a Travel Air biplane powered by a Doble steam engine; nearly-silent, it works fine.
1927—Shanghai’s Green Gang begins slaughtering as many as 10,000 Communists on orders from Chiang Kai-shek—famous hero of our GOP.
1867—William Bullock, inventor of the revolutionary web-fed rotary press, dies of complications after his leg is crushed in one such press.
1864—At Ft. Pillow, Tenn., hundreds of surrendered Union soldiers—a few white, but mostly Black—are slaughtered by rebels under Gen. Nathan B. Forrest, future founder of the Klan.
1862—Union spies steal The General, a Confederate locomotive, in Georgia and head north; but conductor William A. Fuller, on foot, on a handcar, and finally in another locomotive, chases The General down.
1861—Confederate gunners begin a 34-hour bombardment of Ft. Sumter.
1782—American militia troops massacre 100 neutral, Christian Indians of the Delaware Nation.