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Thurs, March 31

2016—Darcie Rae Hall, 36, of Troy, N.H., is arrested in Keene for selling “Donald Trump” brand heroin.

2004—Four American contractors are ambushed and killed in Fallujah, their bodies displayed from a bridge.

1990—About 200K Brits protest, some by rioting, against Thatcher’s poll tax. The PM herself fails to file.

1980—The American banking industry is deregulated with bipartisan support. What could possibly go wrong?

1969—By his orders, the body of Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower is carried by baggage car, like any other G.I., to its final resting place in Abilene, Kan.

1968—LBJ says he won’t run for re-election. Millions rejoice, having no inkling of who will replace him.

1966—In New York City, 200,000 gather to protest the Vietnam War.

1960—A B-47 explodes over Little Rock, Ark. Three on board die, and two on the ground; two homes and an apartment building burn.

1959—John Birch Society head Robert Welch, author of a book calling Pres. Eisenhower “a dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy,” denies he ever called Ike a “Card-Carrying Communist.”

1950—The U.S. Gov’t. burns copies of the Scientific American because they carry an article about the A-bomb.

1929—PR pioneer Edward Bernays, working for the American Tobacco Co., pays women to publicly smoke Luckies in New York’s Easter Parade.

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