Sat, April 9

2018—Other networks report that the FBI raided the office of President Trump’s lawyer; Fox reports that pandas—a non-native species, let’s recall—are aggressive and sex-crazed.

2006—“Scooter” Libby says “W” OK’d leaks of secret CIA intel.

1967—“We appeal to North Vietnam,” says a veteran-bought ad in the N.Y. Times, “if they really want peace, to stop bombing the United States—or else get the hell out of Vietnam!”

1961—The two top planners of the Bay of Pigs invasion, now eight days off, tell their boss Dick Bissell that it is bound to fail. He says do it anyway.

1927—In Massachusetts, death sentences issued against Nicolas Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti are upheld. Judge Webster Thayer, during their trail, called them “anarchist bastards.”

1923—The Supreme Court says a minimum wage would violate women’s rights to negotiate their own terms with employers. Yes, you read that right, the Court just decided it wrong.

1892—In a Wyoming cabin under fire from 22 “Regulators” hired by cattle barons, Nate Champion writes to friends between killing four attackers. Cabin torched, he comes out shooting and dies with 28 slugs in him.

1865—Gen. Robert E. Lee surrenders his Army to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse.

1553—Rabelais dies, leaving this will: “I have nothing. I owe much. I leave the rest to the poor.”

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