2017—D. Trump fires J. Comey.
1999—At the University of Chicago, two students competing in a scavenger hunt build a plutonium-producing reactor. They come in second.
1991—Bush aide John Sununu is told to quit using military planes to see his Boston dentist and ski in N.H.
1989—“What a waste it is to lose one’s mind,” says Veep Candidate Dan Quayle, addressing the Negro College Fund, “or not to have a mind is being very wasteful, how true that is.”
1980—The Summit Venture collapses Fla.’s Sunshine Skyway Bridge; a Greyhound on it plunges, killing 35.
1974—Congress finally begins to ponder impeaching Richard Nixon.
1971—Major General Carl C. Turner, once the Army’s top cop, then the Chief of U.S. Marshalls, pleads guilty to selling 136 confiscated guns he’d swindled from the Chicago P.D.
1970—Richard Nixon talks football with antiwar students on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial at 4 a.m.
1969—Enraged after reading in the New York Times that he’s illegally bombing Cambodia, Richard Nixon orders the illegal tapping of his staff.
1967—Because he won’t fight in Vietnam, Muhammad Ali is stripped of the championship he won in the ring.
1961—FCC chair Newton Minow calls U.S. TV “a vast wasteland.”
1864—Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick utters his last words: “They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.”