2018—Attacked by a bobcat in her Georgia driveway, DeDe Phillips, 46, strangles the rabid animal.
1997—Activists are arrested for passing out the Bill of Rights outside the pro-nuclear Bradbury Science Museum in Los Alamos.
1971—An article in the Armed Forces Journal says “our army…in Vietnam is in a state approaching collapse.”
1971—Busted for “disturbing the peace” in a California courthouse [i.e., wearing a jacket with “Fuck The Draft” on the back], Paul Cohen is sprung by the U.S. Supreme Court.
1969—Marine PFC Dan Bullock is KIA in Vietnam. He is 15, and Black. His enlistment is deemed “fraudulent,” so he’s denied a grave marker.
1966—Walking for voting rights and freedom, James Meredith, 32, gets three blasts from a shotgun in Hernando, Miss. He’s now 87.
1960—A BOMARC missile at a site in N.J. catches fire, melting the 10-kiloton nuclear warhead on board; eleven ounces of plutonium go missing.
1943—In Los Angeles, 5,000 soldiers, sailors, and civilians strip and beat zoot-suited Hispanics.
1924—George Mallory goes missing near the summit of Mt. Everest.
1920—KKK Imperial Wizard William J. Simmons hires two PR experts: membership soon explodes.
1917—Brits blow mines under Messines. The town and 10,000 Germans vanish; Dublin hears the blast.