Sat, June 18

2009—Manchester Mayor Frank Guinta steps over a man with a leg broken in a brawl to exit the Fish & Game Social Club before EMTs arrive.

1989—RIP I.F. Stone, legendary journalist who said, “Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.”

1965—Operation Arc Light begins: 27 B-52s fly from Guam to bomb the ’Nam. Two collide and crash due to navigational errors, a third goes down after in-flight refueling fails.

1959—Louisiana Gov. Earl Long is committed to a mental hospital; his governance continues unabated.

1954—Alabama State Attorney candidate Alfred Patterson [D], who’d vowed to rid Phenix City of vice, is shot dead by ex-sheriff Albert Fuller.

1954—Fred C. Trump is grilled about war profiteering from the FHA.

1954—A CIA army invades Guatemala to topple democratically-elected President Jacobo Árbenz and make the place safe for the United Fruit Co.

1948—Truman OKs plausibly-deniable propaganda, sabotage, demolition, & economic warfare by the CIA.

1869—New York Times founder Henry J. Raymond dies of a stroke at 49 while entertaining his mistress.

1865—Wrapped in a Confederate flag, slavery proponent Edmund Ruffin, unreconciled to “the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race” and undeterred by a misfire, reloads and blows out the few brains he had.

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