2017—A “good person” rallying for White Supremacy in Charlottesville, Va. commits vehicular homicide.
2009—President Obama speaks inside Portsmouth, N.H. High School. Outside a Libertarian packs a 9-mm pistol and totes a sign calling for the “blood of patriots and tyrants.”
1972—The last grunts in ’Nam, 3rd Battatlion, 21st Infantry, board that Freedom Bird for CONUS.
1966—The first Coast Guardsmen (2) are killed in Vietnam when B-57s and F-4s attack the cutter Point Welcome.
1965—A white L.A. cop pulls over a Black driver in Watts. Five days of riots cost 34 lives, mostly Black, and $200 million in damage.
1942—Ten years after her scandalous Ecstacy nude scene, Hedy Lamarr’s “piano roll” system to defend torpedos from radio-jamming gets a patent.
1911—Workers incensed by the “scientific management” imposed by stopwatch-obsessed Phillips Exeter grad Frederick Winslow Taylor go on strike at the Watertown Arsenal.
1897—Senator-to-be and ex-enslaver Rebecca Ann Latimer Felton tells the Georgia Agricultural Society, “lynch, a thousand times a week if necessary,” to protect “[white] woman’s dearest possession from the ravening human beasts,” i.e., Black men.
1894—Charles “Hobo” Kelley and his 1,200 man “army” of the unemployed are driven from Washington D.C. by Federal troops.