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Tues, Nov 22

2003—AP reports on JFK conspiracy theories, including one saying he orchestrated his own assassination.

2000—Two dozen well-dressed hooligans, many on the GOP’s payroll, intimidate Miami election officials into shutting down a Presidential recount.

1975—U.S.S. John F. Kennedy and U.S.S. Belknap collide in the night near Sicily. A two-hour fire aboard the Belknap stops 30 feet short of the nuclear weapons magazine.

1963—In Paris, a CIA man hands a lethal pen to a Cuban for use on Fidel Castro, at the behest of Bobby Kennedy.

1963—In Dallas, Texas, President John F. Kennedy is assassinated; at whose bidding is a matter of dispute.

1963—Testimony before a secret Senate committee, saying LBJ took bribes, is halted by JFK’s assassination.

1941—Fighter ace Werner Mölders, a passenger, dies in a crash en route to the funeral of Luftwaffe Generaloberst Ernst Udet, a suicide.

1910—Brazilian sailors in Rio mutiny against the lash. Seizing the Navy’s three most powerful ships, they end the lashings—and get amnesty.

1909—Tired of talk from male labor leaders, Clara Lemlich, 23, moves that garment workers strike. Next day, 20,000 women walk off the job; they win shorter hours, higher pay, and better working conditions.

1887—White militiamen put down a sugar cane strike by killing 35 to 300 Black workers in Thibodaux, La.

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