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Sat, Mar 18

2004—At Gilley’s, Portsmouth narcs and off-duty cops hold round two of a fight begun at Paddy’s on St. Pat’s Day.

2003—“Why should we hear about body bags and death and how many?” asks Barbara Bush. “It’s not relevant…why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?”

1997—Two L.A.P.D. undercover cops have a road rage shootout; one, Kevin Gaines, ends up dead in a big SUV that belongs to the estranged wife of Death Row Records’ “Suge” Knight. Exposure of massive corruption at the Rampart Division ensues.

1990—Fake cops bluff guards and steal Rembrandts and a Vermeer from Boston’s Gardner Museum.

1986—William F. Buckley’s column in the New York Times calls for all gay men to be tattooed on the buttocks.

1970—Offered a 4% raise while inflation is at 5.8%, postal workers stage a wildcat strike; after a week they win.

1969—The U.S. begins secretly and illegally bombing Cambodia.

1953—Cowed by Sen. Joe McCarthy [R-Bourbon], the State Dept. vows books by “suspect” authors will be purged from its overseas libraries.

1937—In oil-rich New London, Texas, a school saving money by heating with un-scented gas explodes; 300 die.

1925—A tornado kills 695 along a 235-mile path from Mo. to Ind.

1741—Fort George—center of New York’s government, then—is torched by conspiring blacks and whites.

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