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Tues, March 26

2021—Under a painting of a plantation, flanked by white men, Gov. Brian Kemp signs a law restricting voting. Rep. Park Cannon, who’s Black, is arrested and dragged out of his office.

2006—Justice Antonin Scalia is photographed making an obscene gesture on the steps of a Boston church.

1983—Bob “Bob Dole” Dole calls Ford, Carter, and Nixon “Hear no evil, see no evil, and evil.”

1982—Ground is broken in D.C. for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

1972—Gen. John D. Lavelle loses two stars and command of the 7th Air Force for obeying Nixon’s secret orders and bombing North Vietnam.

1968—A dozen “Wise Men” finally tell LBJ it’s time to get out of Vietnam.

1964—Malcolm X and MLK shake hands in Washington, D.C.: their first meeting, and their only meeting.

1920—After the rope breaks, James Johnson tells his executioners in Poplar Bluff, Mo., “Hurry up, boys, and get me out of my misery.” They do.

1892—Walt Whitman, the great American poet, utters his last words, “Hold me up, I want to s__t.”

1812—The gerrymander is born, in a Boston Gazette cartoon.

1669—In New Castle, Jane Walford, the Editor’s great x 8 grandmother, recovers damages for an unproven allegation of witchcraft.

1623—As a preventive measure,Myles Standish and his squad kill six local natives, but relations do not improve.

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