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Sat, April 27

2017—“This is more work than my previous life,” whines Dolt #45. “I thought it would be easier.”

2016—Ex-Speaker John Boehner: “I never worked with a more miserable son-of-a-bitch in my life” than Ted Cruz—“Lucifer in the flesh.”

2011—On the worst day of the largest tornado outbreak in history, 324 people are killed from Texas to Ontario.

1994—In South Africa, ex-prisoner Nelson Mandela is elected President.

1978—A cooling tower being hastily built at Willow Island, W.Va. by N.J.-based Research-Cottrell collapses, killing 51 construction workers. The company is fined $1,700 per death.

1961—JFK tells newspaper publishers that if N.H.-born editor Horace Greeley had been less stingy, his correspondent Karl Marx might never have written the Communist Manifesto.

1951—An Air Force B-36—biggest bomber ever—is cut in half by an F-51 fighter during a training flight over Oklahoma; 13 die, four live. One, TSgt. Dick Thrasher, survived a B-36 “Broken Arrow” crash a year earlier.

1911—Rep. Victor Berger [Socialist–Wisc.] files a Resolution to Abolish the Senate, which he calls “obstructive…useless…a menace to…liberties…and an obstacle to social growth….”

1865—The steamboat Sultana explodes on the Mississippi: 1,800 dead; 1,450 are just-freed Union POWs.

1813—American troops take York [now Toronto], then they burn it.

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