2004—The NY Times admits that its pre-war Iraq coverage was “not as rigorous as it should have been.”
1989—Future GOP Veep J. Danforth Quayle predicts, “We are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy, but that could change.”
1972—Nixon’s “Plumbers” fail to break into Democrats’ Watergate HQ.
1970—The destroyer USS Richard B. Anderson’s departure for Vietnam is delayed due to sabotage by the crew.
1947—An FBI memo duly notes that It’s a Wonderful Life is communistic.
1938—The House Un-American Activities Committee begins carrying out its un-American activities.
1937—Ford’s thugs beat hell out of Walter Reuther and three union colleagues in the “Battle of the Overpass.”
1924—Congress establishes quotas on immigrants: whites are alright, of course, but “Orientals” are banned.
1916—Louis Thomas “Moondog” Hardin, composer, street musician, and all-around Viking-helmet-wearing blind eccentric is born.
1824—Women workers in Pawtucket tell mill bosses, “No deal,” and hold the nation’s first factory strike.
1647—In Hartford, Conn., where the State House now stands, Alice “Alse” Young becomes the first American hanged for witchcraft.
1637—At Mystic, Conn., Captains John Mason and John Underhill set fire to the Pequots’ fort, burning alive about 600 men, women, and children.