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Thurs, June 20

2022—Fox’s Larry Kudlow, referring to Joe Biden, asks ex-Veep Mike Pence if he’s “ever seen a president who refuses to accept blame, and…commits so many falsehoods?” Pence replies, “Never in my lifetime.”

2005—Veep Dick “Dick” Cheney explains to Larry King that the insurgency in Iraq is “in the last throes.”

1953—Lt. Gen. John W. “Iron Mike” O’Daniel arrives in Saigon to confer with French General Henri Navarre on how to bring peace to Vietnam.

1947—Standing up for labor, President Harry S Truman vetoes the anti-union Taft-Hartley Act.

1943—A three-day race riot begins in Detroit; 34 die, 25 of them Black, 17 of whom are killed by white cops.

1942—Four prisoners in stolen Nazi uniforms drive out Auschwitz’s main gate in the commandant’s car.

1941—The sub USS 0-9 sinks east of the Isles of Shoals with 33 aboard.

1940—Cops grab the NAACP’s Elbert Williams in Brownsville, Tenn. Days later he’s dead, no one’s charged.

1790—Jefferson, Madison, & Hamilton conspire: a Capitol on the Potomac, and states’ debts to be assumed.

1783—Independence Hall is beseiged by 400 disgruntled soldiers demanding their pay. Rather than cough up, Congress flees to Princeton, N.J.

1631—Pirates led by Murad—a Dutchman “gone Turk”—sack Baltimore, in County Cork; its inhabitants end up enslaved in North Africa.

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