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Sun, Feb 2

2015—A week after a two-foot snowstorm, Po’Town gets 18 inches more.

2014—Mayor Bill de Blasio, fumbling, drops Chuck, the Staten Island Groundhog. Days later Chuck dies.

2009—Mayor Michael Bloomberg gets a bitten finger as he grapples with Chuck, the Staten Island Groundhog.

1991—Before Desert Storm ground combat begins, the Pentagon bans the press from the Dover morgue.

1979—Zbigniew Brzezinski advises Jimmy Carter, “Islamic revivalist movements…are not likely to be the wave of the future.”

1965—Protesting a protest against the jailing of MLK, Daniel P. Skelley pours water from a can labeled “gas” all over his American Nazi uniform. Cops take him away after a TV cameraman offers him a match.

1952—Winnie Ruth Judd, the “trunk murderess,” makes her fifth escape from Arizona State Insane Hospital.

1918—U.S. Army intelligence officer Lieut. Harris Houghton acquires The Protocol of the Elders of Zion and begins hyping it throughout the government.

1915—German spy Werner Horn bombs the railroad bridge connecting Vanceboro, Maine and St. Croix, Canada, but with little effect.

1848—The U.S. grabs half of Mexico via the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

1819—N.H.’s own Daniel Webster wins Dartmouth v. Woodward, setting up corporate charters to become capital’s #1 tool for crushing democracy.

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