It’s Not Just the Bleach

To the Editor:

President Trump’s recommendation, aired on national TV, that Americans drink or inject disinfectant to cure Covid-19, is not a standalone instance of his lack of judgement. It is part of a pattern of irresponsible behavior, lack of respect for facts or science, and mental chaos demonstrated during his entire presidency.

A few of many examples: He has suggested dropping nuclear bombs into the eyes of hurricanes; he proudly proclaimed that the Revolutionary Army took over the airports in the 1700s; he seems to believe that the F-35 stealth fighter is literally invisible in a fire fight “just like the ones he has seen on TV,” rather than just capable of eluding radar detection: he has informed us that the noise from wind turbines, or “windmills” as he calls, them causes cancer.

Comedians have exploited Trump’s erratic behavior and moronic ideas for laughs for years. This is not a joke. Americans could die as a result of listening to him. He has described himself as “a stable genius.” Any person who describes themselves that way is not smart, nor is Donald Trump stable enough to be President of the United States.

Cynthia Muse

Rye, N.H.

1 thought on “It’s Not Just the Bleach”

  1. Cutting funds to education for decades has, in my opinion, contributed to a large percentage of the population being unable to think critically. Trump is a symptom of a larger, longer problem. His supporters may never understand the damage he has done to them.

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