To the Editor:
How is President Trump doing on his promise to Make America Great Again?
The 2020 Social Progress Index measures quality of life in countries around the world based on the research of Nobel-winning economists. The top 10 countries are: Norway, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, Iceland, and the Netherlands. The U.S. ranks 28th. It ranks No. 1 in the quality of universities, but No. 91 in access to quality basic education. We lead the world in medical technology, but are No. 97 in access to quality health care. The U.S. has the most wealth, but the highest income inequality of the G7 nations.
In a Pew Research Center survey of 14 advanced economies, the U.S. is second to last, one point ahead of Britain in its handling of the Covid pandemic. America with 5 percent of the world’s population has nearly 33 percent of Covid19 cases and over 20 percent of the deaths. They also found that other countries’ confidence in Trump doing the right thing in world affairs ranges from a high of 23 percent in Australia to a low of 9 percent in Belgium.
The rest of the world feels sorry for us. America is isolated, pitied and scorned. We can’t afford four more years of Trump “making America great!”
Cynthia Muse
Rye, N.H.
You can’t deny that we’re first in propaganda.
The Editor