To the Editor:
It has been 100 days of the Biden Administration and to date five Constitutional protections are being attempted to be destroyed [sic] with impunity by Democrats in total disrespect to the people of the United States.
They are:
States rights to control their elections, freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, the District of Columbia as the seat of federal government to be a State, and separation of the Judiciary, the Executive and the Legislative branches and each their power of influence.
[Deleted: 814 poorly chosen words, assembled into an incoherent argument, apparently intended to support the anti-democratic agenda of Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, &c. – The Ed.]
Inalienable rights and protections of a free Society governed by the will of the people should never be taken away but only added to when necessary.
I have great concern for the Union called the United States. Nothing will tear us apart more readily then [sic] that which comes from within to destroy are [sic] common principles and protections.
Jeff Frost
Alexandria, N.H.
We regret having had to deploy our most draconian editing technique. Perhaps you will be mollified by the knowledge that it was necessary in order to give some space to like minded writers [see below.]
The Editor