Wed, June 29

2016—The 477-foot tanker Chem Venus runs aground off Goat Island, damaging itself and three boats at the Kittery Point Yacht Club.

2006—“It was not always certain,” says President George W.[MD] Bush, “that the U.S. and America would have a close relationship.”

1989—The Washington Times reports that high officials in the Reagan & Bush I administrations are under investigation for involvement in a homosexual prostitution ring. Quickly and conveniently, the story evaporates.

1987—“We don’t care,” declares Attorney General Ed “Meese is a Pig” Meese, “about the political or ideological allegiances of a prospective judge.” His audience bursts out laughing.

1966—U.S. planes begin bombing Hanoi and Haiphong harbor.

1956—The U.S. Federal Highway Act OK’s 42,500 miles of new highway so the Pentagon can move stuff around if the Cold War turns hot.

1940—The Smith Act is enacted: all aliens resident in the U.S. must register with the government.

1914—AP: “Archduke’s Death Removes Danger of European Conflict.”

1620—Tobacco growing is banned in England, conveniently giving the Virginia Company a lucrative monopoly.

1613—A performance of Shakespeare’s “Henry VIII” is interrupted; sparks from a theatrical cannon set the Globe Theater alight, burning it to the ground.

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