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Tues, June 4

2017—It’s the last “Last Call” at Portsmouth’s Press Room.

2006—A Ukrainian man enters the lion cage at the Kiev zoo, saying “God will save me, if he exists.” He does not.

2004—Marvin Heemeyer destroys the Granby, Colo. Town Hall, the mayor’s home, and 11 other buildings with his home-made armored bulldozer because “God has asked me to do this.” Then he shoots himself.

2003—Feds get tough on white collar crime, i.e., Martha Stewart.

1989—The Peoples Liberation Army kills thousands at Tiananmen Square.

1963—Allen Ginsberg visits Saigon to assess the political situation.

1962—A failing Thor rocket is blown up over the South Pacific; the first U.S. high-altitude nuke test is a flop.

1951—The Supreme Court denies Commies the right to free speech.

1944—U-505 becomes the first sub to be boarded and captured at sea. It’s now on exhibit in Chicago.

1943—GIs in a fleet of cabs roam downtown L.A., searching for and beating up Mexican Americans.

1939—The St. Louis, with 915 Jewish refugees aboard, is turned away from Florida; 254 will be killed by Nazis.

1919—U.S. Marines invade Costa Rica “to protect American interests.”

1917—President Woodrow Wilson—a Democrat—tells the Justice Department to issue badges to 200,000 jingoistic civilians in the American Protective League.

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